Most orders are usually shipped within 3 business days. However, in peak seasons, shipment can take up to 5 business days. Once your order has been shipped, you'll receive an email reflecting that your order has been shipped, along with tracking number(s).
Please note that orders might get delayed for the following reasons:
- Billing and shipping addresses are not the same.
- The order is pending a credit approval and verification.
- A product is currently out of stock.
- An order which requires customization.
- An order is shipped to the remote country.
Additionally, customs can hold up a package for a number of days. Because we work with reliable couriers, this rarely happens and if it does it will be handled efficiently.
We ship orders from our fulfillment center, (Shanghai, China and United States) by oversea mail service or domestic service. After finishing processing your order, we will send it to the shipping company and it will be completely handled by them. After arriving to your country, it will be handled by your country's postal service.
US shipments from Shanghai, China: 7 - 16 Business Days.
Delivery on all items is included in the price. Don't be alarmed if you don't receive all items in a large order at once, we don't like to keep our dear customers waiting so we send each item as soon as it is done processing.
Shipping is via local postal services once dispatched from the origin, and hence shipping times can vary seasonally.